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Ironbark Double-split B-double Loads 54T



Price includes GST and Delivery to your Business

Please let us know your location to calculate final price to Check out.  $22,400 is the maximum you pay, if you are closer to Miles QLD; it could be less.  We will pass any saving onto you. Once we have received your order, we will get in touch with you to grab delivery instructions and book delivery time.

Your customers love using this Firewood.  No mixed hardwoods, just 100% red Ironbark.

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Ironbark double-split Firewood – Delivered to you!  

Average block size is 29cm to 30cm 

Seasoned to 18% or less moisture content

Ready to Resell right away

Red Ironbark double-split firebricks are delivered to you in large Commercial amounts 44 or 54 tonne B-double loads

We only process two Species of ironbark commonly known as Red ironbark: 

  • Eucalyptus fibrosa; known as Broad-leaved Ironbark
  • Eucalyptus fibrosa nubile; known as Blue-leaved ironbark

This Firewood is suited to Firewood resellers in QLD, ACT, NSW and VIC.

Wood sourced from south Qld delivered to you anywhere in NSW, ACT & QLD weekly, between April and October.

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